Teg Wawriodd

I have begun learning a few Plygain Carols.

There is so much in them, and I make particular effort to understand them fully and garner all of the useful and comprehensible Cymraeg that I can from them. Even in some of the more archaic words there is a root that links to something that can help you in every day Welsh. Chwyrnasant drwy’r gwagle for instance, a phrase I enjoyed. Gwagle is void/emptiness but also comes from gwag: empty, or gwagu: to empty something. Chwyrnu also means snore which may come in handy for a few of you.

It does take a while to go through the Plygain carols like this (for a learner especially). With this in mind I recorded a version playing ‘Teg Wawriodd’ with just a phrase or word form each line pulled out. Hopefully this is enough to take some Cymraeg away and still enjoy and introduction to the Plygain tradition.

Also, I have recorded another version more cleanly and without any guitar in the way.

Or a free download here:





Learning Cymraeg with Siôn Corn